Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Eye Gaze, Software and Free Downloads.

With eye gaze technology on a desktop computer, laptop or tablet, your students can use their gaze to explore, play games, learn, participate in classroom activities, communicate and more.

Inclusive Technology offers a range of eye gaze product bundles that provide a quick, easy and less fatiguing method of access than traditional methods.


Easy and simple, myGaze is the first choice of tracker for eye gaze users in every classroom. Indiscriminative of skill, eye color or ethnicity, it is perfect for a multi-user setting. It allows anyone to start at any level of ability and build their gaze control skills at their own pace.
What's included:
myGaze Assistive Tracker.
EyeMouse Play Software.

Taking users from the first experiential steps, through cause and effect to targeting and choice making. 

What's included:
myGaze Assistive Tracker.
EyeMouse Play Software.
Attention and Looking Software (18 activities).

Attention and Looking: these fun and meaningful activities can be used with anyone trying their first steps with eye gaze. They provide a progression of skills which ensures early success and effective teaching.

Specially designed for teachers and therapists to use with a wide range of students at different stages of learning.

Address a progression of skills; from early Sensory/Tracking, through to Cause & Effect, Exploring/Playing to Communication/Learning.
What's included:
myGaze Assistive Tracker.
EyeMouse Play Software.
Inclusive EyeGaze Learning Curve Software (54 activities).

The Essential Guide to Eye Gaze in the Classroom. Packed full of useful eye gaze information and resources. 

Try before you buy! Download your free trial of Inclusive EyeGaze Learning Curve software.

Our eye gaze bundles are also available via our international resellers.

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